Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SoRewarding ironing out the kinks!

I know it’s been a long time since you’ve heard from us and that you have been aching for an update.  Not to worry, we are here to save the day and share some wonderful news with everyone about what is going on at  As you may or may not know, Sobiz10 has been re-branded as SoRewarding, along with the rebranding we have added a lot of cool and innovative features.  We think these changes will help us do what we do best, providing the most rewarding deals to our users.  Come check out the new site.  Trust that you won’t be disappointed but rather you will be rewarded!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SoBiz10 featured on TechCrunch

Check out this article about Sobiz10 on TechCrunch! We're pretty excited about it! So excited, in fact, that I'm shamelessly sharing it with everyone I know! Also, I can't stop using exclamation marks!!!

View the article here or click the picture!

Friday, May 13, 2011

SoBiz10: Changing the Game...

Mysterious, huh? That's the effect I was going for there.

So I can't give any deets right now, but here's what I can tell you: we are releasing a new feature on SoBiz10 VERY soon and we believe this new feature is going to REVOLUTIONIZE the group coupon market.  It's a concept that no one has touched yet.

Believe me, I wish I could share more right now, but I can't.  But soon. VERY soon.


New Discussion Feature

Hi folks! About a month ago, we added a discussion feature to  You may have already seen it on the website.  I'm an idiot and forgot to blog about this sooner. :/

The idea behind adding a discussion feature was to create another avenue of increasing interactivity between merchants and consumers on SoBiz10 and also to create a larger feel of community on the website.  On the discussion forum, users can ask questions, share experiences, and comment on other discussions.  If you have something on your mind, go on and let 'er rip here.  Also, another reason we added the discussion feature is because we'd like to hear more from you about how we're doing.  This is VERY important to us.  Go on, compliment the hell out of us! A bit more seriously, we'd love to hear from our merchants and subscribers about what we can do to make the site better, what we're currently doing that you like and want us to keep doing, and ANY other suggestions you may have.  Trust me, you won't hurt my feelings if you wanna share something with me that I can do better. :)

Below is an screenshot of a discussion with replies:

As you can tell by the discussion our friend Viraj started, he is an incredibly brilliant and handsome man.

We believe this discussion feature is just one of the many features that sets SoBiz10 apart from the 600+ group coupon companies out there today.  Many of these companies only offer group coupons, which is great (we obviously think it's a novel concept), but the whole idea of SoBiz10 is to create a place where the interaction between a merchant and a consumer DOESN'T cease to exist once the coupon is handed over to the merchant. Our social network and now our discussion feature are great ways for merchants to keep their customers engaged, and great ways for consumers' voices to be heard.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Video of How SoBiz10 Works for Merchants

Hey everybody! We have ANOTHER new video. This one is about how SoBiz10 works for merchants. If you have a business and wondered how our platform can work for you, then check out this video. It's just over a minute long.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello, friends.  I have to apologize for the long time since the last blog, but we've been up to some pretty neat stuff. The first of which, I'll tackle in this entry.

WE HAVE A NEW VIDEO!!!  Ever wonder how SoBiz10 works (maaaaan, I hope not. That means I haven't been doing my job.)? Don't answer that question.  Ever wondered how SoBiz10 works and only have a 2 minute attention span? Therrrre. That's more like it. The video explains the power of ...awww, just watch it. :) 

Check this out:

More to come soon!  Oh! By the way, feel free to tell me how awesome that video is. Seriously. I may or may not have done that whole thing by myself. Ok, I didn't have a single thing to do with any of it, but I'm proud of it like I did.

Friday, January 21, 2011

SoBiz10 Wichita Launch Party!

Hey folks! Last weekend we had our Wichita launch party at Suede Lounge.

Here are some pics from the festivities:

What is going on HERE? 

 The faces of sobriety!