Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Video of How SoBiz10 Works for Merchants

Hey everybody! We have ANOTHER new video. This one is about how SoBiz10 works for merchants. If you have a business and wondered how our platform can work for you, then check out this video. It's just over a minute long.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello, friends.  I have to apologize for the long time since the last blog, but we've been up to some pretty neat stuff. The first of which, I'll tackle in this entry.

WE HAVE A NEW VIDEO!!!  Ever wonder how SoBiz10 works (maaaaan, I hope not. That means I haven't been doing my job.)? Don't answer that question.  Ever wondered how SoBiz10 works and only have a 2 minute attention span? Therrrre. That's more like it. The video explains the power of ...awww, just watch it. :) 

Check this out:

More to come soon!  Oh! By the way, feel free to tell me how awesome that video is. Seriously. I may or may not have done that whole thing by myself. Ok, I didn't have a single thing to do with any of it, but I'm proud of it like I did.